Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Responsibility of Storytellers and the R-Word

Quick thing before you dive in here: if you run out of time reading this article, just watch this video from Jane Lynch and Lauren Potter, share it, and have a lovely day.

When Brett Ratner, producer of The Revenant, Horrible Bosses (1 & 2), and the would-be producer of the 2012 Oscars said, when asked how rehearsals for Tower Heist were going, that “rehearsal is for fags.” The outcry was swift and his stepping down from producing the Oscars that year [1], though an obvious step, was equally immediate. He apologized saying,

“I apologize for any offense my remarks caused. It was a dumb and outdated way of expressing myself. Everyone who knows me knows that I don’t have a prejudice bone in my body. But as a storyteller I should have been much more thoughtful about the power of language and my choice of words.” [2]

How much truer a statement could there be about the responsibility we, as storytellers, have? It is not only our obligation to tell every story with sincerity, earnestness, and full commitment, but also with respect for the power that words have to entertain, bore, heal, and harm.

Words are like sharks and power tools in that way. If you’re a person who works with them, the second you don’t respect them, people get hurt.

So to loop back to my last post, I find it unnerving that one of America’s golden boys, Robert Downey Jr., a man plagued by addiction, ravaged by the choices he’s made, and constantly under the magnifying lens of scrutiny would so callously state that “it’s any artists right to say and do whatever they wanna do.” [3]

I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but to me, that doesn’t sound like art.

That sounds like an excuse for anarchy and opportunism, which, given some of his nocturnal activities over the last decades, may be exactly where his focus and care lie, rather than in his art and his responsibility to those who hear the stories he tells.

Fun fact: the FCC standard for qualifying something as a “Profane Broadcast” is as follows:
Any broadcast “including language so grossly offensive to members of the public who actually hear it as to amount to a nuisance.*” [4]

[*Nuisance: 1. Harm, injury, 2. One that is annoying, unpleasant, or obnoxious: pest. Merriam-Webster 2016.]

Furthermore, the FCC states that “Profane Broadcasts” are prohibited on network broadcast stations (radio and television) between the hours of 6am and 10pm specifically in order to insulate children from exposure to unwanted profanity while in their formative years. (This, of course, does not apply to cable, satellite, or film, as those are subscription or for-purchase services, but merely to radio and network broadcast television.)

So with all of this in mind – our obligation as storytellers, as Mr. Ratner put it, to be “thoughtful about the power of language and [our] choice of words,” our understanding as a nation that it is our duty to insulate those most impressionable in our communities from profanities until they are mature, educated, and developed enough to form their own opinions about the weight their words carry, and the very base understanding that words can hurt, damage, and poison our very ability to communicate with each other – with all of this in mind why – WHY – have we not collectively recognized, as (as the FCC calls us) “members of the public” (which, last I checked, we all are) that the pejorative use of the word “retard” and all of its derivatives and synonyms is offensive, toxic, ignorant, and, as Mr. Ratner puts it when referring to another now-recognizably inappropriate pejorative slur, “outdated?”

With that said! I present to you…


THE TOP 5 LIST OF THE R-WORD USED MOST USELESSLY AND OFFENSIVELY IN A SCRIPTED TEXT (not including Tropic Thunder because that’s cheating)!



(Because it’s only fair to look at this from all possible sides. So let’s do just that. Here we go!)

THE TOP 5 LIST OF THE R-WORD USED MOST USELESSLY AND OFFENSIVELY IN A SCRIPTED TEXT (not including Tropic Thunder because that’s cheating)!

5. Liar Liar starring Jim Carey
In one of the funniest scenes of one of the funniest films I have every seen, Jim Carey, incapable of telling a lie, is commanded to, essentially, roast all of the partners of his law firm. When he gets to one particularly ancient partner, he says that he’s only still working because “he can’t go home ‘cuz he hates his wife.” He further explains that everyone knows who she is from the Christmas parties: “she’s the one who gets plastered and called him a retard.”
Even as a kid I was completely taken out of the fun of the moment and wildly disappointed at the flagrant and completely unnecessary use of the R-word. It advanced the plot 0% and it was jarringly out of place as it pertains to the rest of the language used in the film (which, while hilarious inappropriate, contains no other derogatory slurs that I can recall).

4. Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Joss. Dear, dear Joss. For the love of Jayne Cobb why in the gorram hell did you have to have Nathan Fillion, as Captain Hammer, in the song “Everyone’s a Hero,” use the lyric:
“Everyone’s a hero in their own way. Everyone can blaze a hero’s trail. Don’t worry if it’s hard; if you’re not a friggin tard you will prevail.”
So… (Do I really even have to type this?) So, the implication is that everyone – as long as you are not intellectually disabled – everyone else can be a hero? But if you’re intellectually disabled, you’re, what, useless? Not hero material? Like Tropic Thunder said – you can’t “be a war hero?” Thanks, Joss. Way to really fight for the rights of the writers who are out there on the front lines speaking some truths and need to be defended against the evil studios who are keeping their paychecks too low (yeah – Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog was released on the web during the 2007/2008 writer’s strike as a protest against all the fighting. Way to fight for the little guy. Like TV studio writers.) [5]

3. Anchorman
You can barely make it five minutes into one of the most iconic comedies of my generation before you’re hit in the face with Steve Carell, as Brick Tamlin, stating that, years from that day, a doctor would inform him that he has “an IQ of 48 and [is] what some people call… mentally retarded.”
This one’s a tough one. The clinical term is used accurately here, which makes me want to be okay with it. But on the flip side, it in ZERO ways advances the plot, it unnecessarily labels Brick’s actions as those of a person with an intellectual disability (which means that any time we, the audience laugh at him, guess what?!...), and, much like Liar, Liar, as far as I can recall there are no other slurs used in the course of the film in this way.
The other thing that puts this right up there with the Tropic Thunder-style use (huh. Another Ben Stiller movie with unnecessary, offensive, and callous derision of the intellectually disabled? Gee. I’m shocked.) is that any other offensive jibes used in the film are apologized for in the moral of the story.
It’s not okay to be sexist because opportunity should be merit-based, not gender based.
That’s the moral right? Wait – so the moral isn’t “the intellectually disabled have the same rights as everyone else and, therefore, shouldn’t be made fun of to the delight of the movie-going public who hasn’t been taught any better yet, while the writers are being paid buckets of money and instead of using that power to educate those seeing the film or come up with inventive ways of telling jokes, they’ve chosen to take a cheap shot at a group of people who have the hardest time fighting back?” Huh.

2. I-Spy starring Eddie Murphy and Owen Wilson
Man… I’m just gonna put the transcript of the scene here:
(If you haven’t seen this film, the setup here is that Owen Wilson is a spy who is going to use Eddie Murphy – a celebrity boxer – as a civilian cover for a covert operation overseas, but to keep it on the DL from his entourage, Eddie Murphy’s character has created a story as to why this bumbling sap is flying with them on the private jet.)

“I said I had to take care of the President’s retarded nephew.”
“Yeah, they think you’re a retard. All you do is get some drool, a helmet, and zip your jacket up real tight. You get that mentally challenged look. Hold on just a second, that’s good!”
SERIOUSLY? There is literally no reason for this scene other than to give the crowd a laugh at the expense of Owen Wilson’s lawful-good yet charmingly bumbling character and the intellectually disabled. It was fully unnecessary and, in fact, detrimental to the film (sure made it a lot harder for me to care about Eddie Murphy’s character or sympathize with him, even by the end).

1. “Let’s Get It Started / Retarded” by The Black-Eyed Peas
I’m going to do this one fast…
I mean, come on, Fergie. It’s a sick beat. I love the “started” version. Why on EARTH was there a need for the other version at all?

[As a personal side note on this one: the alternate version that was FCC approved was so pervasive that I did not even know that there was the “Let’s Get Retarded” version until someone was singing it in a class of mine in high school and I was like, “don’t fuck with the lyrics like that just to use that word –that’s not cool.” And he was like, “Dude, that’s the song.” And I was like, “No, it’s not.” And he was like, “look,” and pulled out his iPod-1 (that’s right; we had iPod-1’s. #hipsterstatus) and made me listen to it. Afterwards I was like, “that’s still super offensive, but I now see that the song, is, in fact, what you sang. But still, that word’s not cool.” And he was like, “I feel you. I won’t use it.” And I was like, “cool. I appreciate that.”]

And now…


5. Blazing Saddles
Man, oh, man. This is one I’ve struggled with for years, but here’s how I’ve come to feel about it:
“Candy gram for Mongo!”
Let’s clarify something first…
Mongo > “Mongoloid” > Mongolian (you following my etymological chart so far?).
Now, the way that “Mongoloid” has been used colloquially is as either a derogatory term for an Asian (referencing that they look like stereotypical renditions of Mongolians and implying that they are, therefore, inferior), or for someone with Downs Syndrome (the larger forehead looks like a Mongolian and, again, implies that they are, therefore, inferior [so many layers of offense!]).
So the character Mongo in the film, who is obviously supposed to be slow of thought but swift of fist (and, in the end, large of heart), is blatantly jabbing at people with intellectual disabilities.
Here’s why I don’t find this one all that offensive.
A) This film came out in a time when there really hadn’t been a push to reclaim and reorient our attitudes regarding the R-word and it’s synonyms and derivatives. So there is some historical forgiveness that goes into this.
B) In the end, Mongo turns out to be part of the solution and an integral part of the hero’s victory over evil. So, while named offensively, the role of the character in the storyline of the film was heroic, brave, and necessary for the triumph of good over evil.
C) Blazing Saddles, more than probably any other Mel Brooks film, takes the audience to task on their prejudices. Richard Pryor’s contributions and Cleavon Little’s performance pushed the language of that film in a way that not many mainstream writers and performers were brave enough (or given the opportunity) to at that time. They managed to entertain and tickle the audience while simultaneously showing the viewer that, “hey. Guess what? It’s not okay to treat black people like they’re inferior. And, hey. Guess what? It’s also not okay to dismiss the intellectually disabled, because they are just as capable of heroism as anyone else (Joss, I’m looking at you).”

4. Mean Girls
Regina George (Rachel McAdams) states, early on, “I know what home school is, I’m not retarded.”
While jarring and ill-received the first time I saw this film, upon a rewatch (or 30) I’ve actually come to not only not-mind the use of the R-word here, but I actually think it’s great story telling.
Regina George is supposed to be awful. She’s supposed to remind us of all of those haughty hotties from high school who tormented us with mockery, violence, and slander (or libel, depending on their methodology). She’s supposed to put us on the side of Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan) and her team of lovable outcasts on their vendetta mission against “The Plastics.”

(Also, real quick, if you’re too young to have seen this movie yet, I hereby encourage you to go defy your parents and just watch it. It’s some of the smartest comedy writing you will ever see and a testament to Tina Fey and everyone involved.)

So for the R-word to be included in the constant barrage of insults from Regina and her cronies – a barrage which later reaches a breaking point when “The Burn Book” becomes publically available in the halls of the school and Tina Fey has to step in to be like (slightly paraphrasing for effect here) “you’ve got to stop using these words toward each other. It just makes it okay for anyone to use these words to hurt each other,” I felt like the R-word was still there, in the back of our minds.
Like, “You know, anything Regina said was probably kind of awful and hurtful. Maybe I shouldn’t say shit that she said. Like ‘retard.’ Yeah…”

3. Anchorman 2
Okay, I’m slightly cheating here, but I think it’s important to have this one on the list.
On March 29, 2012, Anchorman 2 (and 1) director Adam McKay pledged via Twitter that he would not use the R-word anywhere in Anchorman 2, and he didn’t. Boom.

Now, the character of Brick Tamlin as a whole aside (yes, Mr. McKay, it is still offensive to spent two movies making fun of people with intellectual disabilities by having one character state that he is “mentally retarded” and then do a ton of ridiculous and outlandish things to amuse the audience at his expense, targeting the lowest common denominators of comedy), all of that aside, Adam McKay stuck to that pledge and did not use the R-word in the script.
Progress is progress, yo. One step at a time.

2. The North Plan by Jason Wells
(This one’s cheating again, sorry not sorry.)
So, check this out:
I was in a production of the play “The North Plan” by Jason Wells a number of years ago and, early in the play, the hero character says something (I can’t recall the exact line and don’t have access to the script at this time), but something to the effect of,
“Oh my god. You are actually retarded,” referring to the comically inept Ozarks-dwelling woman in the jail cell next to him [he had been arrested at a checkpoint while trying to smuggle a US Government-created list of names of people considered to be possible threats to national security on the advent of the Government preemptively “eliminating” those threats (if you aren’t up on Oliver North, take a once-over on him and some of the BS he pulled. Scary and real [6]). She had been arrested when she turned herself in for drunk driving the night before and not getting caught – hoping that she would be let off for her honesty.]
So, you’ve got this line that feels way out-of-place and unnecessary and actually makes the hero way less likeable. Now check this out:
Like, a week into rehearsal (I’d been trying to navigate how exactly I was going to approach the director about changing the word – especially since I wasn’t the one in the role saying it), anyway, like a week into rehearsal we get an email from Jason Wells, the playwright, and he says, basically Hey guys! So stoked you’re doing my play! Hey – sorry to bug you, but one change: when the guys says “you’re actually retarded,” please change that to “you are actually an imbecile.” The language wasn’t working there and it was making him unlikeable. Thanks, k byeeeeee!
Booyah, baby! Right?!
(Yes, like I said, this one’s cheating, too, but dang that story is worth telling here.)

1. Glee
Just across the board any time that show has dealt with a word, a topic, or a prejudice, they have done so with grace, humanity, wisdom, care, and precision. I have mad respect for EVERYONE on that team.
Also, while we’re talking about Glee, just take a minute to watch this PSA that Lauren Potter and Jane Lynch put out a few years back. It says it better than anything I write can.

Alright. If you’ve made it this far in this post, you deserve a cookie. Or a protein shake. Whatever you like.

Spread the word to end the word. [7]

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Facing Fears: The R-Word in Tropic Thunder

First, a confession: I did not watch Tropic Thunder until February 7th, 2016.

It took me EIGHT YEARS to get enough courage up to watch it.

Here's some related background on my relationship with Ben Stiller, the R-word, and 'comedies': When I saw There's Something About Mary, it was so unnecessarily offensive and malicious that I had to leave the room halfway through.

I was eleven.

I don't even remember what the specific moment of mockery was that triggered me to leave, if there even was one, though regardless of the specific instance of derision it was a cumulative effect from the first half of the movie (and I did subsequently go back and watch the rest of it just to be able to form a fully-fledged opinion about it - which, as it turned out, was that it was callously, unapologetically, and maliciously offensive), but, regardless, I had had enough of that movie disparaging people with disabilities to watch any more of it on that particular night.

So when Tropic Thunder hit and the controversy raged, I boycotted the thing without seeing it. Because I didn't need to. I didn't want any more hate and rage and venom in my life.

But now? I think a little rage might be exactly what's needed. Tropic Thunder was part of the catalyst that brought the Spread The Word To End The Word campaign to life, so it seems as appropriate a catalyst for me to use this year as any.

Let's all be clear about something: it is ridiculous the way that this country, our "artists," our politicians (although - props to Obama on Rosa's Law), and the people with ALL THE MONEY treat those in our community who have the least-supported voice of all.

Hey, I know! Let's play a fun Tropic Thunder game!

Below you will find a transcript of the several-minute long scene that sparked the controversy (not even taking into account the t-shirt line and film-within-the-film website {which was wisely taken down by the studio executives} promoting "You Never Go Full Retard" and "Once upon a time there was a retard...").

Here's the game:

1) Read the scene with the understanding that every time you see [_____], the script of Tropic Thunder used a derivative of the word "retard" or "retarded" as a derogatory slang word, blatantly belittling people with intellectual disabilities and demeaning this whole community of people by directly stating that they are "stupid," "moronic," "dumb," and "imbecilic" (to quote the movie, itself).
2) Next, pick your personal pejorative trigger word.
The N-word. The C-word. Fa**ot (please excuse the excess on that example - writing "the F-word" does not evoke the label I intend to call to mind). The K-word. Whichever word is the one that sets your blood boiling and makes you want to go throw up, punch something, and/or cry. Pick that one.
3) Finally, re-read the scene with that trigger word substituted when you see [_____], adapting your word to the proper grammatical structure to complete the sentence (i.e. If you're using the N-word, "Watched a lot of [_____] people" may need to become "watched a lot of N-word's" rather than "watched a lot of N-word people." Or "I brushed my teeth [___]" may need to be "I brushed my teeth like a N-word." etc. You're smart. You understand.

And...... GO!

Watched a lot of [_____] people.
Spent time with them. Observed them.
Watched all the [_____] stuff they did.

Then again,
I always found mere observation
in and of itself is a tad rudimentary.
Sometimes, we gotta dig deeper
to mine the true emotional pay dirt.
Thus, we can diagram the source
of the pain and then live it, you know.

Yeah, yeah, live it. Yeah, exactly.
You know, there were times
when I was doing Jack
that I actually felt [_____],

like really [_____].
Oh, yeah.
I mean, I brushed my teeth [_____],
I rode the bus [_____].

In a weird way,
I had to sort of just free myself up
to believe that it was okay
to be stupid or dumb.

To be a moron.

To be moronical.
Exactly, to be a moron.

An imbecile.

Like the dumbest motherfucker
that ever lived.

When I was playing the character.

When you was the character.
Yeah, as Jack, definitely.

Jack, stupid ass Jack.

Trying to come back from that.
In a weird way it was almost like
I had to sort of fool my mind
into believing that it wasn't [_____],
and by the end of the whole thing,
I was like,
"Wait a minute, I flushed so much out,
how am I gonna jumpstart it up again?"
It's just like... Right?


You was farting in bathtubs
and laughing your ass off.


But Simple Jack thought he was smart,
or rather, didn't think he was [_____],
so you can't afford to play [_____],
being a smart actor.
Playing a guy who ain't smart
but thinks he is,
that's tricky.

It's like working with mercury.
It's high science, man. It's an art form.

You an artist.

That's what we do, right? Yeah.

Hats off for going there,
especially knowing how
the Academy is about that shit.

About what?
You're serious? You don't know?

Everybody knows
you never go full [_____].

What do you mean?
Check it out.

Dustin Hoffman, Rain Man, looked
[_____], act [_____], not [_____].
Count toothpicks, cheat at cards.
Autistic, sure. Not [_____].
Then you got Tom Hanks,
Forrest Gump.
Slow, yes, [_____], maybe,
braces on his legs.
But he charmed the pants off Nixon,
and he won a Ping-Pong competition.
That ain't [_____].
And he was a goddamn war hero.
You know any [_____] war heroes?
You went full [_____], man.
Never go full [_____].
You don't buy that?
Ask Sean Penn, 2001, I Am Sam.
Remember? Went full [_____]?
Went home empty-handed.

Y'all having fun yet?

No? What's that? You're offended? That was ignorant, hateful, crass, malicious, unnecessary, and un-funny? Gee, you don't say.

Team America.

Matt Parker. Trey Stone. You know what? Props, homies.

They pan EVERYONE EQUALLY. No one is safe. And none of it is malicious. All of it is tongue in cheek with the understanding that it's meant to be not hurtful, but satirical. To point the finger at the people who actually abuse their fellow human beings. To say "Hey guess what? Y'all are the weak-minded cowards we're mocking here. And we're the ones who are brave enough to show that to you. Now it's on you to internalize that and change your attitude." They leave no room for anyone to walk away from the movie feeling like their offensive and ignorant behavior is acceptable or that it has been validated.

Well done, gentlemen. Seriously. Well done.

But Tropic Thunder? Here's a film whose primary sub-plot is rooted in a bunch of Hollywood icons - role models (albeit not good ones) - verbally assaulting people who live with intellectual disabilities, but drop ONE N-bomb and it's "OOOOHHH NO! WE HAVE TO MAKE A WHOLE THING ABOUT IT! WE HAVE TO MAKE IT MEANINGFUL AND SHOW THAT IT WAS A JOKE AND THAT IT'S NOT OKAY TO USE THAT WORD."

Robert Downy mother-f***ing Junior actually says the words "For 400 years that word has kept us down," regarding the N-word after spending nearly a full 5 minutes earlier in the film dropping the R-word as callously as I've ever heard it used (and, in fact, justified the use of the R-word and the content associated with it to CBS news by saying that it's "any artist's right to say and do whatever they wanna do." (Oh you mean like doing bunches and bunches of drugs, driving under the influence, and breaking into houses? Ooooooo... Too soon?)

Now, I'm all about the whole bit of him being an American who's playing an Australian who's playing a black man. The way they satirize that Russian nesting doll of compounded caricature, the way they have Brandon T. Jackson be the one to call it out, the way they use it to make a point about the imbedded white supremacy in Hollywood and America (shall we talk about the whole Joseph Fiennes / Michael Jackson thing?)... That's a good bit. However...

If you justify his satirically playing a black man precisely by calling attention to the fact that he's a white American playing an Australian playing a black man and then using it as a vehicle to point the finger back on yourself and, in the end, using it to reclaim the N-word and evoke the understanding that the use of that word is offensive... but you DON'T do the same to reclaim the R-word... guess what?

That is what oppression is.

That is what the willingly ignorant social subjugation of one group of people by another is.

That is an act of hate. A malicious attack on an entire community of people. And an ignorant, closed-minded, selfish, arrogant, bigoted, unintelligent affront to the cash-paying, movie-watching, t-shirt-buying public.

"Perez, you sound so angry about this. It was eight years ago, man. Calm down. It's over."

Yeah I am angry!

And yeah - the movie was eight years ago but this derogatory treatment of the entire disabled community in this so-called Greatest Country In The World has not stopped, slowed, or even declined.

Show me a state where there is enough public healthcare for someone in my brother's condition to live a full life without a team of people constantly researching private funding streams to get him the support he needs JUST TO EAT EVERY DAY.

Show me a city where any person - working legs or no - can get into - and can reach any floor in - any building.

Show me a school where ZERO teachers use the R-word to belittle their own students in their classrooms.

(Oh yes, there's a story there alright. After a newspaper article about my brother and me came out an elementary school teacher contacted us, had her students write letters to us about how the article made them feel, and reached out to say (and apologize) that she had spent her entire 20+ year career as a teacher calling her own students 'retards' when they got something wrong. Yeah. That's real.)

So yeah. I'm angry. And yeah. It's still a problem. So yeah. I'm going to say something.

No, I didn't see the movie until this year. But you know what I did do? I took ten seconds to empathize with another human being and changed my attitude about using the R-word when I was SIX.

So let me wrap this up by saying this:

If the squishy little brain of a six-year-old can grasp the fact that using the R-word as a derogatory slang term is offensive because it implies that any person with an intellectual disability is - to quote Mr's Stiller and Downey Jr - "stupid," "dumb," "a moron," "moronical," "an imbecile," "the dumbest motherfucker that ever lived" and incapable of achieving greatness, then what's your excuse, oh wise grown-ass adult person?

Now, I don't presume to assume that you, dear reader who has read this far, uses this word.

Even if you do, I don't presume to assume you intend any malice when you do.

But to quote John Logan's Tony Award-Winning play "Red," "your intention is immaterial." And to quote Rachel Dawes and Batman, "it's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you."

You wanna be like Batman? Then it's time to take action and change the attitudes of the American people about this word and the people it hurts. And like Ghandi, Michael Jackson, Socrates, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and all great artists and philosophers of all time have said - that change has to start with you.

So let's make the choice to change our attitudes about this word. Today. Now.

And....... Go.